How To Balance Your “Mix” With The Singing / Straw In Less Than 15 Minutes

If you’re anything like me, you’re probably limited on the amount of time you can dedicate each morning to warming up your voice.
Between getting the kids ready for school. Getting dressed. Brushing my teeth. Putting the kids on the school bus. Checking Slack. Checking my email. Making sure there’s no fires I need to put out over at Songbird.
Most mornings, I’m lucky if I can get a shower in 😅
Let alone 30 minutes of completely uninterrupted vocal work.
Luckily, I can take my vocal warmup routine with me anywhere I am.
No matter which parts of my voice I’m looking to work: so long as I got my Singing / Straw with me.
In today’s video, I’m going to sing you through 6 vocal warmup exercises that you can do in less than 15 minutes and take with you anywhere you are.
These are especially GREAT if you already own a Singing / Straw or are familiar with straw phonation and looking to find more balance in your “mix”.
No talking, just singing.
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