NEW PRODUCT DROP: The 3rd Edition My Voice Today Journal and the brand new SING Notebook

I am BEYOND thrilled to announce the recent release of a Singing / Straw favorite…our 3rd Edition of the My Voice Today Journal and all new SING Notebook.
If you've been following me for any amount of time, you’ve likely heard me preach about how much the mind plays into your vocal progression as a singer - at least once or twice.
That’s because I truly believe having a positive growth mindset is an essential part of not only cultivating healthier, happier vocal habits…
But healthier, happier singers, too 😉
That being said, if you ever hated the sound of your voice…
Fell prey to the “comparison trap”...
Or wish you could sound like someone else…
Consider the My Voice Today Journal your new number one fan.
With over 100 pages of daily gratitude prompts, mindset exercises, the 3rd Edition of the My Voice Today Journal will help you set positive intentions that hold you accountable as you continue to evolve and grow as a singer or speaker.
First, we’ll walk you through a journaling exercise to help rid yourself of negative, unhelpful thought patterns, then we reframe your desires into new vocal affirmations.
Introducing a whole new design, look, and sleek hardcover feel…you can get yours today for just $32 at the Singing / Straw shop.
Next on our list (and certainly not least), we’ve got our brand new SING Notebook: a beautifully, blank-lined notebook for every thought, note or lyric that pops into that incredible brain of yours.
Whether you're journaling your vocal progress, jotting down practice notes, or writing your next hit song, consider this notebook YOUR dedicated space for creative expression.
Click here to get the 3rd Edition of the My Voice Today Journal and Sing! Notebook today 🌈🎵
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