3 of the Most Highly Effective Mindset Shifts Every Singer Needs to Make to Smash their Next Performance

How many times have you said to yourself coming off stage or out of rehearsal:
“Dang! I sounded really good tonight.” ?
I’m going to bet probably not as often as you say things like:
“I’ll never be as good as so-and-so.”
“Everyone’s right, I should just quit before I really embarrass myself.”
“I should just stay in my lane and stick to the songs that come easy to me.”
It’s OK.
Because these are all things I’ve said to myself and MORE.
In fact, these are all things I’ve heard from Singing / Straw™ fans, my Love Your Voice Course & Songbird students, too.
More times than I can count.
Which deeply saddens me because there’s nothing productive about speaking to yourself that way.
And in my opinion, is extremely dangerous because it sticks you inside a fixed mindset.
Where you believe nothing is or WILL ever be in your control.
And that it’s 100% up to the “universe” - and the universe alone - to decide who and what you can become.
A belief we don’t subscribe to here at Singing / Straw.
At Singing / Straw, it’s our mission to help singers, like you, break out of the fixed mindset that’s been crippling your vocal progress…so you can CONFIDENTLY & lovingly embrace your beautifully, authentic voice.
So how do we combat these negative feelings or thoughts whenever they creep inside our mind?
In today’s video, I’m going to walk you through 3 of the Most Highly Effective Mindset Shifts Every Singer Needs to Make to Smash Your Next Performance.
The thing about mindset is, it’s a daily practice.
Something you’ve got to actively put in the work for.
But when put into practice can help you move LITERAL mountains for your voice, your relationships, your career.
Anything you manifest to become real.
And if you don’t believe me, check out the Tik Tok video and see for yourself.
Anyway, if you found this video helpful and want more content like this, make sure to leave a comment for me below so I know to keep serving you up more of the stuff you love ♥️
Happy Saturday!
Your not-so-basic-vocal coach,
Whitney Nichole
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