3 Things I Wish I Knew When Starting My Business

I remember when I first launched my vocal studio, Songbird Studios, over 10 years ago.
And how much I HATED tracking my expenses.
After a long day of singing and teaching, the last thing I wanted to do was open up Microsoft Excel and total up my expenses for the month.
All I wanted to do was the fun stuff: singing and helping my students become the best singers they can be.
But as my business continued to grow more and more…
My relationship with numbers started to change.
Suddenly I found myself LOVING my numbers.
And got excited at any chance I got to talk about them.
Because it showed me how much I’ve progressed in my business each month.
And how I can use this data to make even smarter decisions so I could continue to scale my business to exactly where it is today:
3 studio locations.
And over 7-figures annually in gross revenue.
Plus it allowed me to pursue other business ideas I had.
Like the Singing / Straw.
Like the Become A Better Singer Bootcamp
Like Love Your Voice Course.
And much much more.
So yeah…talking numbers, talking business has become a great passion of mine.
Which I was able to share with a small group of entrepreneurs-in-the-making and other business owners a few weeks ago inside my Biz Coaching Mastermind.
This will be a topic I’ll be talking more and more about in the weeks and months to come.
Don’t worry, I won’t be pivoting completely away from sharing my usual vocal tips and tricks.
That will always be the core of what we do here at Singing / Straw.
However, I will be pulling back the curtain more on the behind the scenes of what it’s like to create, launch, and scale multiple 7 figure businesses.
So I could help more singers, artists, teachers, and speakers monetize their musical (or non-musical) talents.
And kick butt in 2024.
If this something you’re interested in, make sure to check out today’s video for my 3 best tips if you’re considering starting your own business or side hustle:
3 Things I Wish I Knew When Starting My Biz
Happy Saturday ♥️
Whitney Nichole
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