How Straw Phonation can Bring your Voice Back to Life in Minutes

Losing your voice SUCKS.
Ain’t no doubt about it.
And doesn’t it seem to always happen at the most *inconvenient* times?
Like right before a big gig or studio sesh?
It's no longer just about missing out on a "great opportunity"…
What about all that money you've got on the line?
Booking studio time, hiring a producer, musicians, renting gear, a van, etc…
It ain't cheap!
Especially when you're the one fronting most of the cash.
Not to mention, all that time, effort, and energy you put into preparing for this moment….
Doesn’t really leave you with a lot of options.
Sure, you can try to reschedule.
But can you really afford to?
If you’re just getting over being sick or are recovering from a vocal injury (and have already consulted your doctor) like my friend Eliza…
And you’ve got a big gig or studio sesh coming up that you just can't afford to skip….
You’re not going to want to miss today’s video.
I can’t tell you HOW many times this 1 simple singing hack has saved my butt both on stage and in the studio.
And if you found this video helpful, too, and want even more content like this, make sure to leave a comment for me below so I know to keep serving you up with more of the stuff you love ♥️
Happy Saturday!
Your not-so-basic-vocal coach,
Whitney Nichole
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