How to Strengthen Your Low Notes

I do A LOT of talking about how to strengthen your high notes…
So today, I decided to shake things up a bit.
And pivot our focus to low notes.
If you’re someone who struggles with their low notes…
Know you are not alone.
In fact, it’s one of the most common things my Love Your Voice Course students struggle with when they first start training with me.
But what if you’re a teacher or vocal coach who works with younger students whose voices haven't quite yet developed all the way?
Tik Tok follower, Paul recently asked me this very question:
“Hey Whitney, I’m a choir teacher in BC, Canada. Can you recommend some exercises to help strengthen young women’s lower (alto) range with?”
And boy, do I 😏
So let’s get into it!
➡️ How to Strengthen Your Notes
If you found this video helpful, too, and want even more content like this, make sure to leave a comment for me below so I know to keep serving you up with the stuff you love ♥️
Happy Saturday!
Your not-so-basic-vocal coach,
Whitney Nichole
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