Why Your Voice Cracks When You Try to Hit a High Note (and 5 Exercises to Help Prevent it from Happening)

Picture this:
You’re out at karaoke night with some of your old college buddies...
Belting out your favorite T-Swift song...
You’ve got the whole bar singing along with you…
When you finally get to that big money note at the end of the bridge…
(You know the kinda note that can bring a whole house down…)
And your voice…
Panicked, you try to make a swift recovery.
PRAYING that nobody noticed...ESPECIALLY your college buddies.
Who you just know are going to rip you a new one...
Oh the dreaded voice 'crack'.
It's every stage performer’s worst nightmare.
Especially when you’re supposed to be the “singer” in the group.
But I don’t care who you are.
Or how long you’ve been singing.
Because this sh*t happens to EVERYONE at some point in their vocal journey.
Myself included.
And today…I’m going to show you what causes your voice to crack in the first place along with 5 vocal exercises you can use to combat it next time you hit the stage.
Remember: a Singing / Straw a day keeps your voice feeling okay!
If you found this video helpful, too, and want even more content like this, make sure to leave a comment for me below so I know to keep serving you up with the stuff you love ♥️
Happy Saturday!
Your not-so-basic-vocal coach,
Whitney Nichole
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