Why Your Voice Is Raspy And How To Fix It Before Your Next Gig

“I struggle with the rasp all the time.”
While some of us may fantasize about being the next Janis Joplin…
Or like Phoebe from that episode of Friends where she gets a cold and everyone starts taking notice of her voice…
The “rasp” certainly ain’t for everyone… especially when you rely on your voice for your living.
My classical singers and speakers: you know what I’m talking about!
And if you’re not careful, it can leave some damaging effects on not only your voice… but on your career, too.
So here are a few ways you can prevent any unwanted raspiness from coming your way, as well as what you can do once the “rasp” has already taken over.
Why Your Voice Is Raspy And How To Fix It Before Your Next Gig
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Happy Saturday,
Whitney Nichole
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