DEBUNKED: 3 Vocal Health Myths

No doubt: your voice is your most precious asset.
Whether you’re a singer, speaker, teacher, or simply talk on the phone all day… Keeping your voice healthy is PARAMOUNT for many of our jobs and frankly, our lives!
Unfortunately, there are several vocal health myths that many people fall for, believing they will improve their performance when, in fact, they might be running you around in circles - or worse, doing more harm than good.
Let’s debunk three of the common vocal health myths I see online, and explore why The Singing / Straw™ is the ULTIMATE SOVT tool for maintaining a healthy and strong voice.
1. Clearing Your Throat Helps with Phlegm
The Reality: Sure, clearing your throat or coughing can be a fast and effective way to clear phlegm from your vocal folds - BUT, “ahem”-ing on a consistent or habitual basis can actually do more harm than good. (Note: I am not talking about coughing when you are sick - breathing ALWAYS takes precedence over singing, if you’re sick and your body needs to cough, COUGH! This article is more geared toward that habitual, unnecessary clearing of the throat some of us find ourselves doing).
Back to it. While clearing your throat it might kick that phlegm out of the way temporarily, doing so repeatedly is harsh on your delicate vocal folds and can cause swelling, inflammation and more vocal fatigue!
This inflammation can lead to MORE mucus, creating a vicious cycle where you feel the need to clear your throat even more.
Better Solution: Instead of clearing your throat, try swallowing or taking a sip of water. Gentle humming or a soft vocal warm-up can also help clear mucus without causing irritation. Always make sure you are staying hydrated, and using gentle SOVT work (i.e. Singing / Straw) to keep that healthy phonation in check.
2. Drink a Ton of Water Before You Sing
The Reality: As mentioned above, hydration is crucial for vocal health, but chugging a large amount of water right before you sing likely won't have the desired effect you want... While your vocal folds do benefit from being well-hydrated, we are talking about systemic hydration - meaning your body is hydrated throughout - which comes from consistent water intake during the day, not from last-minute guzzling.
Better Solution: Make sure you’re drinking water regularly throughout the day to maintain optimal hydration levels. Eating water-rich foods like fruits and vegetables can also contribute to your overall hydration.
3. Avoid Dairy
The Reality: The idea that dairy products create excess mucus and phlegm has been widely debated. While some singers may find that dairy increases inflammation, phlegm and affects their voice negatively, many other singers don’t experience any noticeable difference.
Better Solution: Pay attention to how your body reacts to dairy.
Each of us is different, and responds to food uniquely. If you notice increased mucus production or throat irritation after consuming dairy, go ahead and avoid it before singing.
However, if dairy doesn’t seem to affect you, there’s no need to cut it out entirely. You’re good to have another slice of that cheese, my friend!
4. The Ultimate Solution: The Singing / Straw™
For singers looking to maintain and improve their vocal health, The Singing / Straw is an innovative and effective tool. Perfect for singers seeking a proven SOVT (semi-occluded vocal tract) exercise tool, it helps build a healthier, stronger, and more balanced voice.
Why The Singing / Straw™ Works?
- Efficient Coordination: The Singing / Straw™ physically assists your voice to work in a healthier and more efficient coordination, allowing you to sing better intuitively and almost instantly.
- Strengthens High Notes: This tool was designed to help singers strengthen your high notes, expand your vocal range, and even smooth out vocal breaks.
- Sustainable and Convenient: Made of environmentally friendly stainless steel, The Singing / Straw™ is reusable, reducing plastic waste and the need for disposable straws.
- Science-Backed: The Singing / Straw™ employs straw phonation, a powerful SOVT exercise. This technique creates resistance in the vocal tract, sending energy back to the vocal folds and helping them vibrate more efficiently.
While common vocal health myths can mislead you, understanding the facts and using tools like The Singing / Straw can significantly enhance your vocal performance and overall vocal health.
Invest in your voice’s future and experience the magic of singing with The Singing / Straw.
Hope this helps!
Whitney Nichole
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