This Abundance Mindset Works For Singers And Artists Not Just Biz Owners

This Abundance Mindset Works For Singers And Artists Not Just Biz Owners

The other day, I was speaking with a group of studio owners. 

About my journey as a studio owner and entrepreneur over the last 10 years. 

First building my vocal studio, Songbird. 

Then, Singing / Straw™.

Up until my journey into being a coach and now, course creator. 

And one theme that kept coming up, not only in the conversation we were having…

But throughout these past 10 years.

And it’s this:

Try to view the people working in your industry as your colleagues, not your competition. 

Because there is a piece of the pie for EVERYONE. 

After all, we’re all unique and different. 

Even if you’re essentially doing the same thing as someone else. 

The way you do it, is going to be vastly different than how they do it. 

For example, my whole vocal coaching method is rooted in straw phonation. 

Whereas another vocal coach may use a different style of teaching. 

Our common goals are still the same: to help our singers become a better version of themselves than when they first started working with us. 

But the how in how we get there, may be different. 

And that’s OK. 

Because your style of teaching may resonate with one singer more than my style of teaching. 

Which is why the world needs more of you in it. 

And this goes for my aspiring artists and singers, too. 

I actually dive much deeper into this in one of my latest Tik Toks, which you can check out here.

If you found this article helpful, too, and want even more content like this, make sure to leave a comment for me below so I know to keep serving you up with the stuff you love ♥️

Happy Saturday!

Your not-so-basic-vocal coach,

Whitney Nichole

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