Why High Notes ARE Actually Harder to Sing than Lower Notes

If you struggle with hitting high notes without strain or breathiness…trust me when I say, you are not alone.
In fact, it’s one of the most common things I see singers struggling with.
And for good reason!
Because singing high notes require a balance of air flow, resistance at the vocal folds, and resonance chambers in your vocal tract.
Meaning, in order to sing high notes successfully (in terms of pitch accuracy) and with power, you need to achieve all 3.
Which is a skill all in itself.
And something that doesn’t come easy for many singers.
Take Adele for instance.
In many of her songs, you can often hear her “flip” into more of a breathy tone typically when she’s about to break out into a high note.
Some may argue this is done stylistically.
Which could very well be the case.
But more than likely it’s because she hasn’t achieved that balance of air flow, resistance, and resonance we talked about earlier.
This isn’t to say there’s anything wrong with that.
Like I said, there are times where you may want to make a stylistic choice like that.
But that’s the key here…you should be able to have the choice.
Instead of placing your high notes on a default setting.
So if you want to have the choice between singing high notes with either power or breathiness, then you won’t want to miss today’s video.
Why High Notes ARE Actually Harder to Singer than Lower Notes
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Happy Saturday!
Your not-so-basic-vocal coach,
Whitney Nichole
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